The Mayflower is the official publication of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. It is published 4 times a year for a member subscription fee of $8. Subscription or renewal occurs each year for our club members, when our WGC dues are collected in the spring. This is the place to find out about local NGC schools, design & horticulture workshops and lectures. Applications for garden club schools and programs can be found here as well as much information about state gardening activities and events.
The National Gardener is the quarterly journal of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Subscription rates are 1 yr: $6.50 and 3 years: $18.00. Send all subscriptions, changes of address and inquiries to: Circulation Dept, NGC, 4401 Magnolia Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110-3492; Telephone: 800-550-6007. The president of WGC automatically receives this journal, when taking office. This is where you find all things related to garden club at a national level, including interesting topical information on conservation, civic beautification, landscaping, floral design, national programs and gardening events. You must subscribe to The National Gardener when you take any of the NGC School courses – course registrars require the journal mailing label affixed with your registration form.