Membership Renewal Form



Must be returned by May 31st to be included in Yearbook


Please check one of the following membership designations and circle amount/s owed.



Active Member



Life Membership - past presidents and members so designated by the Board



Senior Member (80+yrs., active for at least 10 yrs.,- doesn’t need to serve on committees )



Sustaining Member (active for at least 10 yrs., - doesn’t need to serve on committees)



Total Enclosed


WGC Membership Dues are collected annually from March through May. Please make checks payable to “Wollaston Garden Club.” Renewing members may either bring their check and application form to a meeting or mail them both to Assistant Treasurer, Marnie Dunn, 31 Washington Park Rd. Braintree, MA 02184Members submitting dues and this application after May 31st are not guaranteed a place in the WGC Yearbook Members’ Directory.




NAME: ______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________

Telephone: _____________________ Cell Phone: (if desired) ____________________

EMail: ____________________ I normally attend_______ meetings (Day, Evening or Both)




CLUB COMMITTEES: Active members must serve on at least two club committees. Please check off the committees you wish to serve on in 2024-2025. All members are also asked to assist the Hospitality Committee by providing refreshments occasionally during the year.

___ Awards/Archives (A) ___ Greens Sale (GS) ___ Press & Publicity (P&P)

___ Civic Beautification (CB) ___ Horticulture (HT) ___ Program (P)

___ Conservation (C) ___ Hospitality (H) ___ Youth (Y)

___ Floral Arrangement (FA) ___ Membership (M)

___ Garden Therapy (GT) ___ Plant Sale (PS)


Are you interested in having your garden on a WGC 2025 Summer Garden Tour? ____

Are you interested in serving on WGC Board as an officer or committee chair? ____

For Office Use: Date Received: ________ Paid: ________ Ck # _______Initials: _____


WGC renew app 2024 - 2025.pdf
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