Membership Renewal Form
Must be returned by May 31st to be included in Yearbook
Please check one of the following membership designations and circle amount/s owed.
Active Member |
$30 |
Life Membership - past presidents and members so designated by the Board |
$0 |
Senior Member (80+yrs., active for at least 10 yrs.,- doesn’t need to serve on committees ) |
$30 |
Sustaining Member (active for at least 10 yrs., - doesn’t need to serve on committees) |
$45 |
Total Enclosed |
$ |
WGC Membership Dues are collected annually from March through May. Please make checks payable to “Wollaston Garden Club.” Renewing members may either bring their
check and application form to a meeting or mail them both to Assistant Treasurer, Marnie Dunn, 31 Washington Park Rd. Braintree, MA 02184. Members submitting dues and this application after May 31st are not guaranteed a place in the WGC Yearbook Members’ Directory.
NAME: ______________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________
Telephone: _____________________ Cell Phone: (if desired) ____________________
EMail: ____________________ I normally attend_______ meetings (Day, Evening or Both)
CLUB COMMITTEES: Active members must serve on at least two club committees. Please check off the committees you wish to serve on in 2024-2025. All members are also asked to assist the Hospitality Committee by providing refreshments occasionally during the year.
___ Awards/Archives (A) ___ Greens Sale (GS) ___ Press & Publicity (P&P)
___ Civic Beautification (CB) ___ Horticulture (HT) ___ Program (P)
___ Conservation (C) ___ Hospitality (H) ___ Youth (Y)
___ Floral Arrangement (FA) ___ Membership (M)
___ Garden Therapy (GT) ___ Plant Sale (PS)
Are you interested in having your garden on a WGC 2025 Summer Garden Tour? ____
Are you interested in serving on WGC Board as an officer or committee chair? ____
For Office Use: Date Received: ________ Paid: ________ Ck # _______Initials: _____
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