The name of this organization shall be: Wollaston Garden Club.


The object of the Club shall be to promote and encourage the love of gardening and the study of horticulture, floral design and landscape design; to aid in the protection and conservation of our environment and to continue civic beautification in the City of Quincy.



There will be five kinds of membership: active, honorary, sustaining, senior and life.

A.  An active member should attend meetings during the year and participate on at least two Club committees.

B.  An honorary member shall be a non-member, proposed and voted upon by the Board, who demonstrates his/her, commitment to the Club.

C. A sustaining member shall have been an active member for not less than ten (10) years and shall pay one and a half times the annual rate of dues, as set by the Board.  Sustaining members shall have no voting powers and are not expected to join committees nor work on any club projects, although they may volunteer.   They should support hospitality efforts as all members are expected to contribute. 

D.  Members may opt to become senior members when they have reached an age of 80 years and have been active members for not less than ten (10) years.  Senior members pay the regular dues and are not expected to join committees nor work on any club projects, although they may volunteer.   They should support hospitality efforts as all members are expected to contribute.

E.  Life membership shall be extended to all past presidents.  In addition, the Board shall propose and vote to extend Life membership to a long-term member of the Club who has exhibited outstanding service and commitment to the goals of the Club. Life membership entitles the holder to privileges of voting and exemption from dues.


Written application and dues for new members must be presented to the Assistant Treasurer at a regular meeting and voted upon by the Board at the next Board meeting or through email correspondence.   The Corresponding Secretary will then notify new member(s) of acceptance.  New member(s) will be introduced to Club members at the next monthly Club meeting.


A member of the Club may resign by delivering a written resignation to the President. Nonpayment of dues by May 31st will be considered equivalent to resignation from the Club.




A.  The dues of active members is presently set at  $30.00 yearly and shall be set by the Board annually thereafter, subject to approval by the membership.  Dues are payable annually at the March, April or May meeting or may be mailed to the Assistant Treasurer by May 31st.

B.  The dues of new members joining before November 30 shall be the same as those of active members, payable when membership is accepted.  After December 1, all persons interested in becoming Club members should consider making a donation at each monthly meeting until the garden club year begins July 1.

C.  A renewal application must also be submitted by May 31st each year by current members.

D.  After receipt of renewal application and/or payment of dues, the member’s name, up-dated information and committee choices will be included in the Wollaston Garden Club yearbook.





The officers of this Club shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. These officers shall form the Executive Committee.  In the absence of candidates for Second Vice President, that role may be left unfilled. 


The Executive Committee shall have ultimate responsibility for the business of the Club and shall authorize all transactions and projects.  All appropriations from the Treasury shall be made according to the purposes and object of the Club as covered in Article II.


No officer, with the exception of the Recording and Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer shall have the same office for more than a single two-year term in succession, except by approval of the Executive Committee.                                                


The President shall:

A.  Preside at all meetings of the Club, the Executive Committee, and the Board.

B.  Appoint all committee Chairs.

C.  Be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee.

D.  Fill any vacancy in an elective office except that of President for the unexpired term, with the approval of the Board.

E.  Appoint an Auditor with the approval of the Board. The Treasurer’s account book shall be audited by the Auditor at the end of the fiscal year and reported in full at the first meeting in September.

F.  Perform such other duties as are pertinent to the office as outlined in the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. Guidelines for Garden Clubs and Members.


The First Vice President is responsible, as chair of the Program Committee, for programs, and in the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties of that office; perform such other duties as are pertinent to the office as outlined in the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc., Guidelines for Garden Clubs and Members.  The First Vice President is expected to succeed to the office of President.


The Second Vice President shall be responsible, (with the Yearbook Editor), for the production and distribution of the yearbook.  In the absence of the President and the First Vice President, the Second Vice President shall perform all the duties of their offices; perform such other duties as are pertinent to the office as outlined in the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc., Guidelines for Garden Clubs and Members.  If the office of Second Vice President is unfilled the President will appoint a Yearbook Chair.


The Recording Secretary shall record proceedings of all Club, Executive Committee and Board meetings. Minutes of the Board meeting shall be published and forwarded to all Board members prior to the next Board meeting. The Recording Secretary shall read or submit published minutes of the prior month’s club meeting at the next Club meeting. In the absence of the Recording Secretary a replacement shall be provided to record the minutes of the meeting.

The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the Post Office Box, receiving and sending all correspondence and shall report at all Board meetings and at Club meetings, if appropriate or requested.  


The Treasurer shall collect and hold all money belonging to the Club and deposit it in a Bank or Trust Company designated by the Board.  The Treasurer shall make a statement of funds at each Club and Board meeting.

The Treasurer shall pay all bills after approval by the President.  The account shall be audited by the Auditor and reported in full to the Board and Club members annually.

The Assistant Treasurer shall collect all dues and the Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer shall deposit the money into the Club account. The Assistant Treasurer shall be responsible for new member and renewal applications. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall perform all the duties of the Treasurer.




The Board shall be comprised of the elected officers (the Executive Committee) and the chairs of the Standing Committees. The Standing Committees, when convened, shall be: Awards\Archives, Civic Beautification, Conservation, Floral Arrangements, Garden Therapy, Greens Sale, Horticulture, Hospitality, Library, Membership, Plant Sale, Press and Publicity, Program, Raffles, Remembrance, Special Projects, Website, Yearbook and Youth. The President shall fill any vacancy that occurs.


The President with the approval of the Board shall appoint Ad Hoc Committees as needed.                                                                           




This Club shall meet on the third Thursday of each month, from September through May, alternating day/evening, when possible.  The Club’s fiscal year shall begin on July 1st in accordance with the Guidelines of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc.  A quorum shall constitute twenty-five percent (25%) of the members.


Board meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month or prior to regular monthly meetings.  A quorum of 3 members of the Executive Committee and chairs of 4 Standing Committees shall constitute a meeting.


Executive Committee meetings shall be called by the President as needed or if requested by an Executive committee member.




There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of three members appointed at the first February meeting of the new administration. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be selected by the President, one committee member by the Board, and one committee member by the Club. This Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate to be presented at the February monthly meeting of the second year of the administration, and voted upon at the March meeting, and biennially thereafter. 


If there is only one nominee for each office, by vote of the Club, the Recording Secretary shall cast one ballot for the entire slate or for as many as is the sole nominee for an office.


Installation of new officers shall be held at the May monthly meeting.



Nondiscrimination Clause: The Wollaston Garden Club shall not permit in their conduct of Club affairs, any restrictions or limitations whatsoever on the basis of race, color, age, disability, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or employment status.



Dissolution Clause: In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and property of the organization shall, after payment of necessary expenses, be distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under Section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax Law or to the Federal Government, a State or Local government for public purpose, subject to the approval of a court of competent jurisdiction within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.



The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this Club in all cases in which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the By-Laws.



The Board may recommend updating, altering, amending or repealing the by-laws, but such action shall be taken only at a scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors when the agenda is shared with the Board membership beforehand.   Any changes, once approved by the Board, must be shared with the Club membership at least two weeks before any vote can be taken.  Changes must be approved by a majority of those members voting through email or at a subsequent Club meeting when votes are taken.



These By-Laws, when approved, shall become effective November 30, 2016. These By-Laws shall be reviewed as required and revised as necessary, unless the Garden Club Federation updates necessitate changes.